Want to save money in the long run while reducing your impact on the planet? Yup! It is possible, and you give up nothing in return. It is a win-win all the way around. This month I am putting the spotlight on what I have done over the past couple years to reduce my use of single-use products. Here are six examples I use in my home. I would love to hear what you do so we can all do better in changing our everyday habits.
Disposable Coffee Brew Cups
This is what I estimate I spent on disposable coffee brew cups annually… $600. Compare that to what I could have spent using bagged coffee…$200. Yes, those cups are more expensive, but it did make coffee enjoyment much easier. Especially since my husband and I drink very different coffee. But if I take that further to waste, I hated seeing these plastic cups pile up in the trash. I knew they wouldn’t be recycled regardless of my effort to clean them out. So, I looked for alternatives and found reusable cups and filters. We have both switched and love them. I even clean out the used coffee to put in my compost. They are easy to use, easy to clean, and I can use whatever coffee I want. I highly recommend giving them a try.
Paper Towels
Did you know that over 51,000 trees are cut down annually to support the paper towel habit of North America? Deforestation is a real issue, but many of us are sold on the need to use them. Well, I can tell you I rarely grab the paper towels anymore. I always keep small microfiber cloths on my counter to clean up small messes. And they are highly absorbent too. The little “house” keeps them orderly and at arm’s reach.
Paper Napkins
After paper towels, the biggest use of paper products for me were paper napkins. Which I used several times a day. Guess what… I rarely reach for these too. Cloth napkins are my go-to these days. They come in a set of four, so I never run out. I can use them multiple days (unless I am eating something crazy messy). They launder great too.
Throw Away Dusters
Yes, they are convenient. No argument here. But why continue to buy dusters when there is an alternative to end this regular expense and reduce waste. Our mini duster is the answer. It can be used multiple times before washing but goes right into the washer when needed.
Plastic Wrap
I know plastic wrap is a great convenience, and sometimes it is difficult if not impossible to find an alternative. These silicone lids help a lot! They come in a set of 6 different sizes to fit many types of cups and bowls. They are easy to put on, easy to clean, and can significantly reduce your use of single-use plastic in your landfill.
Plastic Produce Bags
When I learned about reusable produce bags, I didn’t even realize they were a thing. Now, I keep them in my cloth shopping bag I bring into the grocery store and only reach for the plastic bags when necessary, which is rarely. They are easy to store, and you can just throw them in the washer when they need cleaning.
I hope you found these options useful. If you are ready to reduce your use of single-use products, let talk about ideas. I would love to hear what you do so I can continue my journey. And maybe together, we can come up with new ideas.