How did you get to this website? Maybe a search for green solutions? Maybe a search for environmentally friendly products? Maybe you had a business card with the URL. Maybe someone told you about it. Whatever the reason, I’m glad you’re here. Most people I talk with have never heard of Norwex. They don’t understand the dangers of exposure to toxic chemicals, right in their own homes. The dangers are real, even though the effects of chemical exposure may not present themselves for years or even generations. So why exposure yourself, your family, and your pets to chemicals unnecessarily? There is an alternative. That’s were Norwex comes to the rescue. Norwex stands for the “Norwegian Experience.” Its mission is simple, to share a cleaner, safer way of living by reducing harmful chemicals in everyday lives. But why is this so important? Here are a few stats to help explain.
- Did you know that 84,000 new chemicals created in the last 50 years. Of those, 200 have been tested for safety in the U.S. Only 9 of those have been banned in the U.S.
- The average woman uses personal care products with 168 different chemical ingredients, every day! Personal care and cosmetics are one of the least regulated categories of consumer products. Since 2009, 595 cosmetic manufacturers reported using 88 chemicals I more than 73,000 products that have been linked to cancer, birth defects or reproductive harm.
- The U.S. EPA estimates volatile organic compound air emissions can be 10 times higher indoors than outdoors.
- Disinfectant wipes are EPA registered antimicrobial pesticides designed to kill or inactivate microbes (germs). The CDC states “Disinfection products should not be used by children or near children. Ventilate the space when using these products to prevent children from inhaling toxic vapor.”
- The cancer rate in 1901 was 1 in 8000. Now it is 1 in 3.
These are but a few that help answer that question of why. Now, we can’t control all our exposures, but we can control what we use in our homes every day. When you know better, you do better, right? I know that is the case for me… how about you?
Walk around your home. Look under the kitchen sink, the bathroom closet, the utility room, the laundry room, your medicine cabinets. I bet you will find plenty of products full of different chemicals. From window cleaner, toilet bowl cleaner, detergents, spray sanitizers, disinfecting wipes, cosmetics, skin care, and more. Think of how often you use them, your family is exposed to them, and your pets. You don’t need them! There are alternatives that work as well, and in many cases even better.
Here is a simple checklist (How Safe is Your Haven?) you can use to evaluate your home. When you are done, take a look at the alternatives. If you want to chat, just let me know. I am here to help.